A "Module" specifically designed for door manufacturers using the powerful COBUS NCAD CAD/CAM software as it's foundation. A COBUS Door Module user immediately has access
to all of NCAD's many features, including: CAD/CAM design functionality (for one-offs or construction methodology changes), timed 3D simulations, links to all machines and more.
See COBUS NCAD features here:
COBUS NCAD: Parametric CAD/CAM Software
The Doors module allows a user to easily design and automate the production of entry and interior doors. Each COBUS Door module is customized to the needs of the manufacturer using it,
so that the profiles, hardware, machining, any other construction items and techniques match exactly to what that manufacturer offers their customers and how they build their doors.
Designs are completely parametric and can be changed on the fly in order to adapt to new manufacturing conventions or customer changes. When the design is complete the manufacturing
brain of NCAD kicks in to automate the positioning of parts in zones and on stop positions, automate pod and rail placement, detect collisions and generate the machining instructions.
- COBUS NCAD is included: All COBUS CAD/CAM functionality at your fingertips for on the fly additions or changes
- Most door styles available out of the box
- Doors are quickly built via manufacturer defined dialogs. Customized to your specifications and construction style
- Completely parametric door designs: If one part changes, any affected parts update to accomodate
- Design changes late in the process are easily corrected
- Documentation for in-house use and external: parts lists, material orders, quotes, 3D design visualization, sections, etc.
- Add on modules for greater functionality: Auto pod and rail, parts placement (zone and stop positions) and more