Design and automate the production of entry and interior doors with this easy to use package.
Each COBUS Door solution is customized to the needs of the manufacturer using it, so that the hinges, locks, remove beads, profiles and other construction items match exactly to what that manufacturer
offers their customers.
Fully parametric: Every door design can be modified to have new dimensions, a new shape, to have fewer/additional parts and much more. The parts effected by the changes made will update accordingly.
Add machining on the fly: COBUS NCAD provides the foundation that the Doors Solution is built on. So any machining can be added to the door at any point in time. If the new machining created
is going to be used again in the future, then it can be converted into a Block or Macro for easy placement on subsequent designs and even added to the main menu for easy access.
Once a door design is complete the individual door parts can be sent to the CNC (or multiple CNCs). With the addition of the part placement module a user can determine what zones and in what
stop positions on the CNC each part will be placed for production.
Multiple reports available such as a cutlist and full design printout.
Additional features include: Shuttle operation for continuous production, automatic pod and rail placement, collision detection, tool optimization for determining the most efficient sequence... and much more!